The end of Hip-Hop as we know it
Turbo Summation is a conceptual Hip Hop album by artist and creative technologist Mark Mushiva.
The project features a 14-track album, a music film, a manifesto, and a prototype of a wearable electronic Hip-Hop instrument fashioned out of a data glove.
Written around the themes of cyberpunk, afro-accelerationism and urban subculture, Turbo Summation seeks to pronounce and make explicit the strong links between technology and Hip Hop. More than just the appropriation of Japanese technology by descendants of African slaves, Hip Hop has been a primary site of interaction between black people and technology.Turbo Summation expands these notions by drawing on the expressive power of lyricism and invention as tools for speculative world-building. Visions of alternate futures through the lens of the original electronic music fundement, the sythesizer.
The sound of the synthesizer is orchestrated by Norwegian producer SkimmedMilk who counts the Roland Juno 106, Roland Jupiter 8, Sequential Circuits Prophet 5, Yamaha DX7, Korg Arp Odyssey, and Lev Termens Theremin as inspirations.
Turbo Summation will be released in collaboration with Norwegian music collective NorthOf. The project is slated for release in 2022.